
Magazine Subscription
Subscribe to India's leading Astrology Magazine ‘Future Samachar’ & Astrology Research Magazine ‘Research Journal’

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Combo (Future Samachar + Research Journal)

You can avail a combo and get our both best selling Astrology Magazines for either 1 year, 2 years, 5 Years, or for 11 Years and welcome Astrology and its wonderful allied sciences into your life.

You can subscribe to the combo pack of Astrology Magazine which contains, Future Samachar & Research Journal both to explore your knowledge in the field of occult sciences.

Why take the combo pack of Future Samachar & Research Journal?

Despite all the excellent benefits of both these Astrology Magazines, the only thing that could sway your decision in a yes is how excellent they both work together in order to incorporate astrology in your life. In an era of depleting reading sources and everything coming to a standstill as the wold turn digital- it’s important to bring back the old and venture into a world with mystic charm.

Both these Astrology Magazines work well together in inculcating the habit of reading, along with educating the lesser known and the well known. You can read the articles, preach them, introduce the habits thus mentioned, and they share it with your peers to let them know how important Astrology is in predicting your future, well being, and all other facets of life.

Below mentioned are the subscription packages available for the combo pack of Research Journal and Future Samachar Magazine.

Period Courier Price Outside India
1-Year 1100
US$ 80
2-Years 2100
US$ 160
5-Years 5100
US$ 420
11 Years 11000
US$ 900
21-Years 21000
US$ 1800

Online Magazine and E-Books Subscription

For all those who work on the go and pause only when needed, we have introduced Online Astrology Magazine Subscription to keep your inquisitiveness sated and your knowledge top-notch. Get your Online Astrology Magazine and read it the way you like. On your phone, tablet, or kindle- the entire world of astrology compiled in the pages of Future Samachar and Research Journal gets transferred to your mobile phones or preferred devices through the amazing advent of technology.

Read the latest issues of Future Samachar and Research Journal of Astrology through the online subscription which will make you wiser, smarter, and fluent in the knowledge of esoteric wisdom.

Do not wait too long to get your hands on this amazing bargain and be satiated for life.

The subscription of these online magazine subscriptions is available under two variants.

The first is for one year, wherein you will be able to get your hands on monthly magazines of Future Samachar and Research Journal every single month. You can read them in your own leisure at your own time and be grateful to technology for thinking about you and making your union with astrology and future possibilities.

The second variable is the online magazine subscription for 3 years, wherein you will be able to get both the magazines which are monthly issues for the entirety of three months in pdf format, which you can read on any desired device.

Get your Online Subscription for Future Samachar, E-Books and Research Journal now!

Period Price In India Price Outside India
1-Year 999US$ 19.99
3-Years 1999US$ 39.99

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